Lao TESOL 2025 February 6-7 In Vang Vieng
Next year Lao TESOL will be held in the resort town of Vang Vieng, a superb location and an easy, cheap 45 minute, high speed train ride, from Vientiane. It will be a superb conference, in a magical setting, with wonderful food. Acceptable accommodation is available from 2,500 yen a night. Vietjet can get you to Laos for around 56,000 yen round trip. After the conference you might like to take the train on to Luang Prabang a Unesco Heritage city with gloriousl temples, great adventure tourism and superb food. It is possible to fly out from Luang Prabang to Bangkok, Japan and beyond.
We are delighted to announce that the LaoTESOL International Conference 2025 is now open for abstract submissions. This year’s theme, “
,” calls upon educators, researchers, and practitioners to share their insights and research on cutting-edge strategies that enhance English language teaching and assessment. We strongly encourage submissions that explore novel teaching methodologies, technological integration in the classroom, and dynamic assessment techniques across various learning environments.
We welcome all specializing in, but not limited to, the following areas:
– Task-based language teaching – Mindfulness in ELT
– Content and language integrated learning – Flipped classroom
– Project-based learning – Experiential learning
– Problem-based learning – Formative assessment
– Storytelling and drama in ELT – Summative assessment
– Scenario-based learning – Performance-based assessment
– Integration of music and songs – Competency-based assessment
– AI-driven language learning – Rubric-based assessment
– Integration of technology in the classroom – Fluency assessment
– Development of materials and resources – Diagnostic assessments
for language learning
Regardless of whether the topic aligns with these areas, teachers or educators possessing insights beneficial to your fellow teachers are cordially invited to submit your abstract. Your contribution will be highly appreciated.
You are advised to submit your abstract for one of the following sessions:
Hands-on workshops (60 minutes)
Parallel session presentations (30 minutes)
Poster presentations (30 minutes)
Join us in shaping the future of English language education.
Deadline for submission: 10 January,2025
Date: 6–7 February, 2025
The Lao program is flexible, empowering and responsive to the expressed needs of Lao educators and visiting teachers. Our main aim is to support teachers, in the environment where they teach, using the resources which they have, within the bounds of the curriculum which they teach. We see our presence as being mutually beneficial. Visiting teachers frequently state that they feel that they have gained more than they have given. We are not volunteers, we are visitors to Laos and our aim is to leave nothing but foot prints and smiles.
Programs are held in February-March and dates are flexible. Programs were established in 2007 (2007~2009, at Lao American College, seminars for students and staff.)
Over the past 13 years we have worked with and are continuing to work with:
– Lao TESOL (an annual two day closed event for over 400 Lao English teachers) parallel presentations and plenary speakers and support for the conference and Proceedings Journal,
– The National University of Laos – in-service training programs; seminars for Faculty of Letters teaching staff,
– State secondary schools – post conference in class support, for teachers, trainee teachers and students; impromptu seminars,
– Teachers Training Colleges – workshops for teachers and trainee teachers of English,
– Lao American College – seminars for students and peer mentoring for staff.
We have delivered donations including equipment and repairs and more than 4,500 English books to schools and have supported over 200 visits to Laos by visiting teachers from all over the world.
This program differs from other THT events and is continuing to develop. In the future, we hope to be able to offer support to rural schools outside of Vientiane District particularly in Luang Prabang.
Please contact: THT Coordinator Chris Ruddenklau for further information: chrisruddenklau[at]